Tips for People With Dry Skin

Do you have dry skin throughout the year, or perhaps only during the colder months of the year?

Do you have oily skin on your “T-zone” while the other areas are dry, are possible even ignored as you attempt to reduce the oil production and results on your nose, forehead and chin? No matter the depth of your dry skin troubles, or how often they occur, you need to know how to treat it properly. Otherwise, you can end up with painful cracks, excessive flakiness and other repercussions associated with dry skin.

Make certain that you drink plenty of water or herbal tea each day. Do not sweeten the tea, and look for flavors that are free from caffeine. The water and tea will help to flush your system and keep your skin hydrated.

You can also increase the amount of healthy fats that you consume regularly. Avocados, nuts and many other food sources have an abundance of healthy fats in addition to that, you can eat lean cuts of meat, including salmon and trout which are high in omega-3 fatty acids.

Each day, take a vitamin E capsule. This is a powerful anti-oxidant that also provides essential lubrication and healing for your skin at the cellular level. Make certain that you purchase a natural, not synthetic, version and take as directed on the bottle.

Don’t forget to use a moisturizer daily that will reduce the discomfort associated with dry skin. If you have dry skin on your elbows or feet, exfoliate first, then use a deep creamy moisturizer. Wear socks for the first few hours to allow the rich moisturizer to settle into the skin. Avoid wearing tight socks to sleep, as it can reduce the circulation to your feet.

These tips should help you to avoid dry skin year round if used regularly!

For more info about skin care treatments for dry skin visit our website at or call us at 415 787 2772

Do you have dry skin throughout the year, or perhaps only during the colder months of the year? Do you have oily skin on your “T-zone” while the other areas are dry, are possible even ignored as you attempt to reduce the oil production and results on your nose, forehead and chin? No matter the depth of your dry skin troubles, or how often they occur, you need to know how to treat it properly. Otherwise, you can end up with painful cracks, excessive flakiness and other repercussions associated with dry skin.

Make certain that you drink plenty of water or herbal tea each day. Do not sweeten the tea, and look for flavors that are free from caffeine. The water and tea will help to flush your system and keep your skin hydrated.

You can also increase the amount of healthy fats that you consume regularly. Avocados, nuts and many other food sources have an abundance of healthy fats in addition to that, you can eat lean cuts of meat, including salmon and trout which are high in omega-3 fatty acids.

Each day, take a vitamin E capsule. This is a powerful anti-oxidant that also provides essential lubrication and healing for your skin at the cellular level. Make certain that you purchase a natural, not synthetic, version and take as directed on the bottle.

Don’t forget to use a moisturizer daily that will reduce the discomfort associated with dry skin. If you have dry skin on your elbows or feet, exfoliate first, then use a deep creamy moisturizer. Wear socks for the first few hours to allow the rich moisturizer to settle into the skin. Avoid wearing tight socks to sleep, as it can reduce the circulation to your feet.

These tips should help you to avoid dry skin year round if used regularly!

For more info about skin care treatments for dry skin visit our website at or call us at 415 787 2772

Reasons Why You May Need More Magnesium In Your Diet

Low levels of magnesium are recently known in various research circles as a silent epidemic. Many symptoms related to low magnesium are generally unique to a deficiency in magnesium which makes it very difficult to diagnose accurately. Therefore low levels of magnesium in many cases go untreated or unrecognized.
Even though a chronically low intake of this important mineral is not typically common, it is linked to a number of disease states that indicates that considerations are important for both the presence of specific diseases and overt types of physical symptoms when taking magnesium status in to consideration.

Symptoms Relating To Magnesium Deficiency

Magnesium is considered to be an extremely important ingredient in relation to a host of biochemical and body regulatory systems. The impact that relates to lowered levels of magnesium spreads to many areas of serious health issues. The symptoms related to this type of deficiency are typically broken down into two categories that include physical symptoms and the disease state linked to the deficiency.


Classic Types of Clinical Symptoms

The signs related to a physical deficiency are related to a physiological role and the impact on a balance that is healthy relating to other minerals such as potassium and calcium. Irregular types of heart rhythms, anxiety, seizures, cramps, muscle spasms and tics are all classic signs of a magnesium deficiency.

Latent Symptoms

The symptoms are often present but can be hidden by the inability in distinguishing their specific signs from the disease states. Usually caused by magnesium levels that are low or a low intake that is present in most of the industrialized nations, the symptoms can include chronic fatigue, depression, insomnia, headaches and migraines. One of the main concerns relating to magnesium lowered levels is the link to diseases such as an osteoporosis, asthma or hypertension.