The Benefits Of Unplugging

Technology is a wonderful thing. It helps you stay in the know and keep in contact with your friends and families. However, there are many disadvantages to all of this technology. This article will teach you the numerous benefits of unplugging.

Staying connected is great; however, society as a whole is losing the ability to verbally communicate and enjoy one another’s company. Think of the last time you had dinner with your friends or family. Was everyone on their cell phones checking emails, looking at social media sites or texting? More than likely they were.
Stress impacts so many people around the world. Researchers have found that staying connected 24 hours a day is one of the main causes of stress. When you are attached to your phone, PDA or computer, you may be tempted to work continually. Unplugging allows you time to relax and enjoy life more.

So, how do you go about unplugging?

The best way is to start slowly. Begin by carving out a few hours a day to unplug. Start small. Let your friends, family and work associates know that you will be unavailable during dinnertime. Turn off your computer, silence your cellphone and enjoy eating a meal with your family. At first, it may be difficult, but with time, you will begin enjoying this quiet time. Once you have mastered the art of unplugging for dinnertime, try unplugging for an entire evening or weekend. When you unplug, you will need to find activities to keep you busy. This is the perfect time to find a new hobby. Unplugging from your electronics will help you develop a closer, more meaningful relationship with your friends and family. This, coupled with relieving stress, is reason enough to turn off those electronics. Unplug and begin enjoying life once again.

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