Tips On How You Can Get Rid Of Acne

Many people will at some point suffer from problem skin related to acne outbreaks, usually due to stress or hormones. Most people believe that pimples are a sign of unclean or dirty skin, but in actual fact over-cleansing typically irritates the kin further. However, hormones can be controlled and there are a number of basis changes that one can make in order to stop breakouts from occurring.


Lifestyle Changes


teenager with acne

Regular Exercise:

Exercise is related to a number of positive aspects relating to acne. One of these is the regular release of important endorphin’s that lower the stress levels and decrease the production of oil.


Prevent Touching Your Face

This is generally a lot harder than it sounds, as most people often touch their faces hundreds of times a day. In addition, it is very important not to scratch or pick at pimples. Never squeeze or pop pimples as this causes the introduction of more bacteria and will cause the acne to progress further.


Shower Often

Showering assists in keeping oil production down, rinse away dead skin build-ups and kill bacteria. It is advisable to use a type of mild or medicated cleanser and shampoos made for oily hair. It is very important to shower directly after exercising to get rid of dead cells that have sloughed off from sweating.


Eat Healthy

Food types that have been processed and contain high amounts of unhealthy fats will raise the problems related to acne. Obtaining the correct nutrients that come from protein, vegetable, fruits and whole grains assist the skin in regenerating a lot faster. Focus on: fish, flaxseed, green tea, Probiotics.  Eating fish and flaxeeds  can help tame inflammation and improve acne breakouts.

Probiotics are supplements that help increase the amount of good bacteria in your gut. Too much bad bacteria leads to inflammation = acne (caused by P. bacteria), bloating, fatigue, stress, painful joints, irritable bowel. Taking Probiotics helps to balance the unhealthy bacteria and clear up the skin.
Probiotics can be found in food such as: kefir, yogurt, sauerkraut, kimchi, fermented condiments, and beet kvass. Probiotic supplements always state the amount of CFUs the product contains. For regular every day usage, you want to be taking at least the equivalent of 10 to 20 billion CFUs per day. If you are fighting acne you may choose more at the beginning of treatment.


For more info about skin care treatments for acne visit our website at or call us at 415 787 2772




old woman

How Does Your Diet Affect Your Skin?

When I was a child, I was told like most other people how a high sugar diet could contribute to acne problems. There are also many other ways in which a person’s diet can affect their skin, and unfortunately it can be hard to pay attention to this fact when everything tastes so good!


Sugar doesn’t just contribute to acne, but it also contributes to skin blemishes and other skin tone imperfections. Starches and sugars are causing rapid rises in blood sugar and that spikes cause the inflammation. A lot of people forget about simple carbohydrates and starches, they think about white breads, pastas, and potatoes but the body metabolizes these foods into sugar almost immediately, which causes your blood sugar to rise.


Gluten is another ingredient in many food items that can affect people’s skin and cause other health issues as well.laestetica_old-woman

Naturally, eating the right healthy foods is going to affect your skin in positive ways, and it’s just as important to know what foods those are as it is to know which ones to avoid.


Alcohol causes redness, dehydration and fine lines look worsen. It affects the liver, which helps the body rid itself of toxins. This can cause the skin to look grey and dry. Other symptoms include: redness between the eyes, droopy eyelids and a dehydrated complexion. Alcohol is also known to create a ruddy appearance on the cheeks and nose due to increased inflammation.


You also want to avoid processed foods as much as possible, which means you should be eating whole foods, organic foods even, and cook whenever possible. Start with breakfast, and make a healthy and nutritious breakfast without all the gluten that cereal contains.


Dairy products can be good for your skin, but not if you’re lactose intolerant or your body doesn’t digest these types of foods well enough. Dairy signs on your skin includes: puffy complexion, dark circles, spots. If you feel bloated or slightly nauseous the next time you drink a glass of milk that might be because of inflammation. Later that leads to puffiness, bags under the eyes and dark circles. Not even mentioning the hormones and chemicals contained in dairy products. They can upset your  hormonal balance too, causing skin cell reproduction to go haywire ?

Remember to pay just as much attention to helpful foods like blueberries, strawberries and other whole fruits and vegetables. Eat the right foods, and you’ll notice a huge difference in the way your skin looks each day.


For more info about skin care treatments visit our website at or call us at 415 787 2772