Try Out These Waxing Tips For Minimizing Pain

Waxing is definitely an option when it comes to hair removal, but it can be painful. In fact, most people think that waxing is going to be painful no matter what you do. However, there are ways to help minimize the pain or eliminate it entirely. Check out these solutions that you can incorporate into your waxing routine.

Some of the tips might be more up your alley than others, but you’ll find what you are looking for. First you could start small, which is always going to be at least a little helpful.

You could also use a numbing cream. This numbing cream is easy to find and can help take away the pain from waxing for hair removal. If you’re going to do your bikini line, then what you need to do is let the wax cool down a bit. Did you know that?

While you’re going to be doing small areas a little at a time and using numbing cream, you can also take an over-the-counter pain medication 30-45min before appointment. This is going to be helpful as well with reducing the amount of pain you feel.

Distractions also can be helpful, and you might also want to exfoliate prior to waxing, which is going to minimize pain as well. You’re also going to realize that shorter hair isn’t as painful being removed as longer hair, so don’t wait too long. It’s time to wax at 1/4 of an inch!

A big one is, not coming for waxing around menstrual cycle because it can be more painful.

Another one is limit caffeine intake the day of your appointment- it stimulate the nervous system and make waxing more painful.

You can also use an ice pack or soothing lotion if you want afterwards. There are even more tips and tricks you can add to your arsenal for when it’s time to wax, but the ones here should get you going.

For more info about skin care treatments visit our website at or call us at 415 787 2772

Tips On How You Can Get Rid Of Acne

Many people will at some point suffer from problem skin related to acne outbreaks, usually due to stress or hormones. Most people believe that pimples are a sign of unclean or dirty skin, but in actual fact over-cleansing typically irritates the kin further. However, hormones can be controlled and there are a number of basis changes that one can make in order to stop breakouts from occurring.


Lifestyle Changes


teenager with acne

Regular Exercise:

Exercise is related to a number of positive aspects relating to acne. One of these is the regular release of important endorphin’s that lower the stress levels and decrease the production of oil.


Prevent Touching Your Face

This is generally a lot harder than it sounds, as most people often touch their faces hundreds of times a day. In addition, it is very important not to scratch or pick at pimples. Never squeeze or pop pimples as this causes the introduction of more bacteria and will cause the acne to progress further.


Shower Often

Showering assists in keeping oil production down, rinse away dead skin build-ups and kill bacteria. It is advisable to use a type of mild or medicated cleanser and shampoos made for oily hair. It is very important to shower directly after exercising to get rid of dead cells that have sloughed off from sweating.


Eat Healthy

Food types that have been processed and contain high amounts of unhealthy fats will raise the problems related to acne. Obtaining the correct nutrients that come from protein, vegetable, fruits and whole grains assist the skin in regenerating a lot faster. Focus on: fish, flaxseed, green tea, Probiotics.  Eating fish and flaxeeds  can help tame inflammation and improve acne breakouts.

Probiotics are supplements that help increase the amount of good bacteria in your gut. Too much bad bacteria leads to inflammation = acne (caused by P. bacteria), bloating, fatigue, stress, painful joints, irritable bowel. Taking Probiotics helps to balance the unhealthy bacteria and clear up the skin.
Probiotics can be found in food such as: kefir, yogurt, sauerkraut, kimchi, fermented condiments, and beet kvass. Probiotic supplements always state the amount of CFUs the product contains. For regular every day usage, you want to be taking at least the equivalent of 10 to 20 billion CFUs per day. If you are fighting acne you may choose more at the beginning of treatment.


For more info about skin care treatments for acne visit our website at or call us at 415 787 2772




The Benefits Of Unplugging

Technology is a wonderful thing. It helps you stay in the know and keep in contact with your friends and families. However, there are many disadvantages to all of this technology. This article will teach you the numerous benefits of unplugging.

Staying connected is great; however, society as a whole is losing the ability to verbally communicate and enjoy one another’s company. Think of the last time you had dinner with your friends or family. Was everyone on their cell phones checking emails, looking at social media sites or texting? More than likely they were.
Stress impacts so many people around the world. Researchers have found that staying connected 24 hours a day is one of the main causes of stress. When you are attached to your phone, PDA or computer, you may be tempted to work continually. Unplugging allows you time to relax and enjoy life more.

So, how do you go about unplugging?

The best way is to start slowly. Begin by carving out a few hours a day to unplug. Start small. Let your friends, family and work associates know that you will be unavailable during dinnertime. Turn off your computer, silence your cellphone and enjoy eating a meal with your family. At first, it may be difficult, but with time, you will begin enjoying this quiet time. Once you have mastered the art of unplugging for dinnertime, try unplugging for an entire evening or weekend. When you unplug, you will need to find activities to keep you busy. This is the perfect time to find a new hobby. Unplugging from your electronics will help you develop a closer, more meaningful relationship with your friends and family. This, coupled with relieving stress, is reason enough to turn off those electronics. Unplug and begin enjoying life once again.

For more info about wellness tips, skin and body care treatments visit our website at or call us at 415 787 2772

Skin Care Basics- How Probiotics Can Help Acne

It may be seem counter intuitive to be talking about probiotics if you are suffering from acne; however, that is exactly what you should be thinking about. This article delves into the world of probiotics and how they can improve your skin’s condition.


Many people do not realize how important a healthy digestive tract is to every system in the body, including the skin. The digestive tract is responsible for processing the foods you eat, breaking down those food into usable nutrients, transporting those nutrients to other systems in the body and eliminating the remaining waste. When the body does not receive the proper nutrients and rid itself of waste, skin issues can occur. These skin problems include inflammation, redness and acne. Eat a healthy diet and use probiotics to help your digestive tract function optimally.


Probiotics are live bacteria that is used in digestion. These live bacteria not only help digest food, but work to destroy foreign invaders (bacteria, fungi and viruses) from the body. Probiotics can be take as dietary supplements or can be found in found such as yogurt.

 yoghurt for breakfast


The intestinal tract contains both good and bad bacteria. There are numerous things that can affect the balance of the intestinal tract, including illness, antibiotic usage and toxins. Probiotics help boost of the good bacteria so it can fight off infections.

Have you ever noticed that when you are sick your skin shows it? Oftentimes the illness causes acne outbreaks. Taking a probiotics can help prevent outbreaks from occurring when you are feeling ill. Are you looking for a natural way to help improve your acne? If so, look no further than probiotics. This natural treatment helps destroy bad bacteria in the body, allow good bacteria to multiply and keep your skin looking bright and healthy. Begin using probiotics today and see how quickly your skin will clear up.



For more info about skin care treatments visit our website at or call us at 415 787 2772


Reasons Why You May Need More Magnesium In Your Diet

Low levels of magnesium are recently known in various research circles as a silent epidemic. Many symptoms related to low magnesium are generally unique to a deficiency in magnesium which makes it very difficult to diagnose accurately. Therefore low levels of magnesium in many cases go untreated or unrecognized.
Even though a chronically low intake of this important mineral is not typically common, it is linked to a number of disease states that indicates that considerations are important for both the presence of specific diseases and overt types of physical symptoms when taking magnesium status in to consideration.

Symptoms Relating To Magnesium Deficiency

Magnesium is considered to be an extremely important ingredient in relation to a host of biochemical and body regulatory systems. The impact that relates to lowered levels of magnesium spreads to many areas of serious health issues. The symptoms related to this type of deficiency are typically broken down into two categories that include physical symptoms and the disease state linked to the deficiency.


Classic Types of Clinical Symptoms

The signs related to a physical deficiency are related to a physiological role and the impact on a balance that is healthy relating to other minerals such as potassium and calcium. Irregular types of heart rhythms, anxiety, seizures, cramps, muscle spasms and tics are all classic signs of a magnesium deficiency.

Latent Symptoms

The symptoms are often present but can be hidden by the inability in distinguishing their specific signs from the disease states. Usually caused by magnesium levels that are low or a low intake that is present in most of the industrialized nations, the symptoms can include chronic fatigue, depression, insomnia, headaches and migraines. One of the main concerns relating to magnesium lowered levels is the link to diseases such as an osteoporosis, asthma or hypertension.

healthy herbs

Improving Immunity With The Use Of Herbs

Are you looking for immune boosting alternatives to antibiotics? If so, you have come to the right place. This article is chock full of advice to help you boost your immunity naturally.


Vitamins and Minerals

In order for your body to function properly, it must have the nutrients it requires. There are a variety of vitamins and minerals that can help improve your immunity and shorten the duration of an illness, including vitamin C and zinc. Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits. This vitamin helps boost immunity from the inside out. Zinc is used to shorten the duration of many illnesses, including the common cold.



Elderberry and cranberry are two great foods that help prevent and treat infections. Elderberry works by blocking bacteria and body. This helps prevent an infection from developing in the body. Cranberry, on the other hand, treats urinary infections by flushing the urinary tract.


Herbshealthy herbs


Echinacea has been used for centuries to help prevent colds and viruses. Another popular herb is oil of oregano. This essential oil boost immunity and fights off infections throughout the body.



Many people do not realize that the immune system is primarily based in the digestive tract. Therefore, it is essential that you care for your intestinal health. Taking a variety of probiotics, such as Lactobacillus acidophilus, increases the immune boosting power of the digestive tract. In order to stay healthy, you must eat a diet rich in nutrients. This means avoiding processed foods and sticking to whole foods. Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables along with lean proteins to keep your body healthy so it can fight off infections.
Boosting your immunity naturally is not difficult if you know which herbs and foods help improve immunity. Say goodbye to antibiotics and hello to a healthier, new you by using herbs to help prevent and treat infections.

beautiful woman

How to Use Retinol

Retin-A vs. Retinol

Both are retinoids and made from vitamin A to promote faster skin cell turnover. They are some of the most proven, effective ways for treating acne to signs of aging.


Retinoids can be prescript by a doctor and can be also found in a range of over-the-counter products. Prescription-level retinoids fall into these groups:

  • Tretinoin; brands Atralin, Retin-A, Retin-A Micro, Renova
  • Tazarotene; brand Tazorac
  • Adapalene; brand Differin

All the groups prevent the buildup of dead cells in the skin’s pores and follicles, Common side effects of using Vitamin A products range from: dryness, redness, irritation and skin peeling to making skin more sensitive to the sun.


Retinol is found in lots of products that don’t require a prescription. Retinol is much weaker than prescription retinoids, unless vitamin A is listed as one of the top 5 ingredients and the product is packaged in an airtight bottle. Neither retinoids  nor retinols should be used by breastfeeding or pregnant women.

beautiful womanTo use it, clean and tone your skin. You should be using an AHA or a BHA product. After, your skin is clean and dry apply a dab to your fingertip. It will be enough for your entire face. You can apply it underneath your eyes, but avoid applying it to your eyelids.
Start using the product once every other day at night. If you apply it in the morning, the sunlight during the day will deactivate its potency. If you find your skin tolerates the retinol well, you can start using it every night or you can apply it as directed by your doctor. You may start to notice your skin gets red or flaky as you use the product. Do not stop using it and do not increase the amount you use.


You can and should use either prescription or non-prescription retinol with other anti-aging creams. These should include antioxidants and niacinamide. Be sure to apply an SPF cream for daytime wear after you treat your skin with the retinol at night. Sun damage is one of the greatest contributors to aging skin, so it is vital that you make use of an SPF of 15 or 25. The higher the SPF, the better off your skin will look after several retinol treatments.


While the retinol can make your skin look luminous and young in time, remember you cannot count on using it alone to achieve the results you want. Be sure to follow the instructions exactly as indicated by skin care professionalist or as indicated on the package. Always use it in combination with other anti-aging ingredients and enjoy your beautiful skin.


For more info about skin care treatments visit our website at or call us at 415 787 2772


old woman

How Does Your Diet Affect Your Skin?

When I was a child, I was told like most other people how a high sugar diet could contribute to acne problems. There are also many other ways in which a person’s diet can affect their skin, and unfortunately it can be hard to pay attention to this fact when everything tastes so good!


Sugar doesn’t just contribute to acne, but it also contributes to skin blemishes and other skin tone imperfections. Starches and sugars are causing rapid rises in blood sugar and that spikes cause the inflammation. A lot of people forget about simple carbohydrates and starches, they think about white breads, pastas, and potatoes but the body metabolizes these foods into sugar almost immediately, which causes your blood sugar to rise.


Gluten is another ingredient in many food items that can affect people’s skin and cause other health issues as well.laestetica_old-woman

Naturally, eating the right healthy foods is going to affect your skin in positive ways, and it’s just as important to know what foods those are as it is to know which ones to avoid.


Alcohol causes redness, dehydration and fine lines look worsen. It affects the liver, which helps the body rid itself of toxins. This can cause the skin to look grey and dry. Other symptoms include: redness between the eyes, droopy eyelids and a dehydrated complexion. Alcohol is also known to create a ruddy appearance on the cheeks and nose due to increased inflammation.


You also want to avoid processed foods as much as possible, which means you should be eating whole foods, organic foods even, and cook whenever possible. Start with breakfast, and make a healthy and nutritious breakfast without all the gluten that cereal contains.


Dairy products can be good for your skin, but not if you’re lactose intolerant or your body doesn’t digest these types of foods well enough. Dairy signs on your skin includes: puffy complexion, dark circles, spots. If you feel bloated or slightly nauseous the next time you drink a glass of milk that might be because of inflammation. Later that leads to puffiness, bags under the eyes and dark circles. Not even mentioning the hormones and chemicals contained in dairy products. They can upset your  hormonal balance too, causing skin cell reproduction to go haywire ?

Remember to pay just as much attention to helpful foods like blueberries, strawberries and other whole fruits and vegetables. Eat the right foods, and you’ll notice a huge difference in the way your skin looks each day.


For more info about skin care treatments visit our website at or call us at 415 787 2772


woman on the beach

Why to wear SPF?

SPF- wear it on not?

As an Esthetician I can assure you that you will regret in 20 years from now for not having worn sunscreen when you look at your skin compared to friends and family who have worn daily sunscreen.


Top five reasons you should wear sunscreen:

  1. The ozone layer is depleting and our body needs shielding from harmful rays.
  2. Skin cancer rates are on the rise and sunscreen has been proven to decrease the development of skin cancer.
  3. It helps to prevent skin discolorations.
  4. It helps to reduce the appearance of facial red veins and blotchiness.
  5. It slows down the premature skin aging and wrinkles.


What about the need for obtaining vitamin D via the sun?

Most people can meet vitamin D requirements of 600 IU per day with daily 30 minutes outdoor activities, twice per week. Same result they can achieve by eating vitamin D rich diet of fish, milk, dairy, liver, eggs or taking vitamin D supplement. So prolonged sun exposure gives no extra benefits of Vitamin D production.


Medications, that increase risks of sun burns and damage.

There are many medications which may make the skin extra susceptible to sun. These include: anti-inflammatory, cardiovascular and acne medications.:

  • Doxycycline and Minocycline used in the treatment of acne
  • Accutane
  • Topical acne products, such as vitamin A (Yes! your Retin A from Doctor office!)
  • Benzoyl Peroxide.


Are there any natural sunscreen?

Yes. The newest sunscreens are formulated with either tinted mineralized zinc oxide or titanium dioxide that can bronze the skin or matched to skin color.


Are there any natural spray-on sunscreens?

Yes, Spray-on sunscreen are great for people who don’t like the feel of lotion on their hands or face. Great spray sunscreen to try is a Cosmedix Reflect.


Do I need to reapply SPF every 2 hours?

Yes. Most of the SPF stop working after 2 hours. If you plan to spend ore time outside then you need to reapply it after 2 hours.



For more info about skin care treatments visit our website at or call us at 415 787 2772


woman without celluilte

How to Get Rid of Cellulite

If you have cellulite on your legs or midsection, you are not alone. There are many people, primarily women, who have found these unsightly types of fat dominating certain areas of their body, leaving them feeling uncomfortable in certain clothing or even being intimate with their life partner.

woman without celluilte

Shedding cellulite is not the same as exercising fat away, and it is quite the challenge to get rid of it. In fact, depending upon how bad yours is, you may want to consider visiting a cosmetic specialist who may be able to assist you in diminishing the appearance of cellulite on your body.

One of the proactive steps that you must take when it comes to reducing the cellulite that you have is to detoxify your body. Most people today have a strong need for cleansing, even if they do not realize it. This is why you need to investigate a comprehensive detoxification plan that will address all of the systems of your body related to detoxification.

A good cleanse will begin with your bowels and your urinary tract. If you are having difficulties eliminating food in these manners, you could have an excessive amount of toxins lurking inside of you. The bowels are often overlooked though they are vital to good health. If you do not consume adequate fiber to keep your intestines thoroughly flushed out, then you will begin to accumulate fecal matter in the folds of your intestine walls. Left unattended and untreated, the amount of fecal matter will continue to rise. At the same time, this putrid material will begin to become toxic, leaving your sensitive intestine walls to filter these harsh substances back into your body, where you may experience a variety of pains and other discomforts associated with it, including the accumulation of cellulite.


For more info about internal detoxification programs and detox body wraps visit or call 415 787 2772