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White Wine and Melanoma

The alcohol relationship with cancer has grown more complex. New study has found a link between drinking and melanoma. Melanoma is the most serious form of skin cancer and somehow white wine shows the highest risk of getting it.

Previous studies have found differing results on alcohol’s links to cancer. When the body metabolizes ethanol, some is turned into acetaldehyde, a carcinogen that can impair cells’ efforts to repair DNA. It’s proved that heavy alcohol consumption leads to cancers of the liver, pancreas, colon and rectum. However several studies have found also a link between even light drinking and breast cancer.

The new study about white wine consumption was published in the American Association for Cancer Research’s journal Cancer, Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention.  Eunyoung Cho who is an author, is an associate professor of dermatology and epidemiology at Brown University.

Why white wine not a red one? The researchers theorized that because wine has higher levels of pre-existing acetaldehyde than beer or spirits, it poses a higher risk. And while red and white wine have similar levels, the antioxidants in red wine may counterbalance the risk. (Previous studies have found that the antioxidant resveratrol may reduce the risk of melanomas and protect the body from sunburns.)

Source: spadeepmagazine

Depression- Exercise to fight it And Get Better

If you suffer from depression, you are not alone. The fact is that there are people around the globe that are affected by this debilitating disease.

When you are depressed, the chemicals in your brain and other parts of your are out of balance. In order to effectively treat your depression, this situation must be rectified.

Otherwise, the best you can hope for is to mask the symptoms you are experiencing each day with pharmaceutical solutions that may have unwanted side effects. However exercise was found to be the best way to deal with depression on day by day basis.

Exercise releases chemicals called endorphins. Endorphins interact with the receptors in your brain that reduce perception of pain. They also trigger a positive feeling in the body, similar to that of morphine. Over time, your body will begin to balance out naturally as long as you continue to keep exercising.

One of the best forms of exercise that you can choose when it comes to treating issues such as depression, anxiety and agoraphobia is yoga. This ancient practice originated in Japan. It has spread globally, helping the people who practice it to find an inner spiritual balance along with increased physical health.

You will find various forms of yoga available, each with a different focus. Talk to your local instructors to find out which courses fit best into your schedule and that will fulfill your needs and meet you at your current level of health. Try to take at least three classes per week to see how that can help. Once you have become comfortable with it, you can even add a Sun Salutation to your morning routine!

Taking care of yourself means addressing and treating every aspect of your health. The right types of exercise, such as yoga, will do that!

Tips For Burning Fat After Exercise

While you are likely aware that your metabolism gets boosted during exercise, you might not be aware that your body continues continue burn calories after you finish. This is when your body is putting in work in order to effectively repair itself. The key to generating the best results in fat burning after exercise is going to come with knowing what to do to keep the burn going. In this article, we will be going over some of the tips for burning fat after exercise.

Tips For Burning Fat After Exercise:

1. Take Whey Protein Post Workout.

If you are looking to keep up your fat burning efforts after you finish exercising, you are going to want to take whey protein post workout. This is going to allow you to keep burning calories after you finish working out. It also going to help you provide your body with the necessary nutrients it needs in order to effectively repair itself.

2. Eat Several Meals Daily.

When it comes to recovering post workout and really giving your body the best chance at achieving great results after a workout, you might also want to pair your whey protein shake with a meal. It is best to eat a meal after you workout so you can provide your body with a good amount of nutrients to help it recover.

3. Increase Your Intensity.

Another thing that you are going to want to do if you want to increase your fat burning efforts after you workout is increase your overall intensity. By increasing your intensity, you should be able to effectively increase your results post workout. This will keep your heart pumping even after you workout and it will allow you to continue burning calories for hours and hours after you finish.

Asian Skin Differency – How Does It Compare To Caucasian Skin?

One thing for sure is the whiter your skin, the easier it is to see those skin blemishes, freckles, age spots, etc. Any skin imperfections are going to show up much easier on lighter skin. Asian people seem to have such beautiful skin, don’t they? Is it something that comes naturally, or does it have to do with their diet and lifestyle as a culture? I’d say it’s a little bit of both, but no doubt Asian skin does appear naturally beautiful.

When learning about Asian skin differency, it’s also important to realize that there are definitely skin conditions that Asian people do have to deal with quite often than Caucasian people don’t.

For starters, while many Caucasian people do deal with oily skin, it’s a fact that Asian people on average have oilier skin. Did you know that?

Asians tend to have a thicker and denser dermal layer of the skin and there is a higher concentration of collagen, which means age-related skin changes are not as marked as Caucasians. Asians have a tendency to look younger than their real age!

Asian people are a little more blessed when it comes to sun exposure, too. You see, Caucasian people often burn when they get in the sun for long periods of time, but Asian people tend to just get darker. As a Caucasian person, I echo the sentiment: Wouldn’t that be nice?

Asians as mentioned do have to deal with certain skin problems more than Caucasian people though, such as scars. They are more common in Asian people’s skin as it more sensitively to physical trauma. However, Asian skin definitely tends to look more youthful.

It’s interesting to know about Asian skin differency, but you must take care of your skin no matter what type of skin you have.

Is Facial Massage More Than Relaxation?

If you’ve been fortunate enough to enjoy a facial, no doubt you are familiar with the delights of a facial massage. This massage is relaxing, and feels amazing! But are there any more benefits of facial massage? Is facial massage more than relaxation? Why yes, it is! In this article, we will discuss the benefits of facial massage that you may not have been aware of.

The first benefit to a facial massage is anti-aging effects. The muscles underneath the skin respond well to exercise like every other muscle in the body. You don’t just have to wait for a facial to get this benefit, either. Regular facial massage done at home, incorporated into your regular skin care routine, will help the facial skin to look younger and healthier before you know it!

Facial massage also helps to relieve tension. If you have oily skin, however, or skin that is prone to breaking out, it’s best to keep your facial massage short and sweet. A massage lasting ten minutes is sufficient. Remember not to pull your skin, and massage gently in circular motions that are moving upward.

Facial massage also works to improve circulation. Blood and oxygen is increased as you massage around your eyes, brows, and mouth.

Is facial massage more than relaxation? Yes, but that doesn’t mean that relaxation itself doesn’t provide some amazing benefits! Receiving a facial massage can help to improve your mood, and reduce levels of stress. This leads to improved quality of life.

So are there any benefits to facial massage besides the relaxation it provides? Yes there are! So incorporate facial massage into your skin care routine, and sit back and reap the benefits of your handiwork! You’ll be giving a killer facial massage like a professional in no time.

Why to wear SPF daily

SPF (Sun Protection Factor)- wear it on not?

As an Esthetician I can assure you that you will regret in 20 years from now for not having worn sunscreen when you look at your skin compared to friends and family who have worn daily sunscreen.

Top five reasons you should wear sunscreen:

  1. The ozone layer is depleting and our body needs shielding from harmful rays.
  2. Skin cancer rates are on the rise and sunscreen has been proven to decrease the development of skin cancer.
  3. It helps to prevent skin discolorations.
  4. It helps to reduce the appearance of facial red veins and blotchiness.
  5. It slows down the premature skin aging and wrinkles.

What about the need for obtaining vitamin D via the sun?

Most people can meet vitamin D requirements of 600 IU per day with daily 30 minutes outdoor activities, twice per week. Same result they can achieve by eating vitamin D rich diet of fish, milk, dairy, liver, eggs or taking vitamin D supplement. So prolonged sun exposure gives no extra benefits of Vitamin D production.

Medications, that increase risks of sun burns and damage.

There are many medications which may make the skin extra susceptible to sun. These include: anti-inflammatory, cardiovascular and acne medications.:

  • Doxycycline and Minocycline used in the treatment of acne
  • Accutane
  • Topical acne products, such as vitamin A (Yes! your Retin A from Doctor office!)
  • Benzoyl Peroxide.

Are there any natural sunscreen?

Yes. The newest sunscreens are formulated with either tinted mineralized zinc oxide or titanium dioxide that can bronze the skin or matched to skin color.

Are there any natural spray-on sunscreens?

Yes, Spray-on sunscreen are great for people who don’t like the feel of lotion on their hands or face. Great spray sunscreen to try is a Cosmedix Reflect.

Do I need to reapply SPF every 2 hours?

Yes. Most of the SPF stop working after 2 hours. If you plan to spend ore time outside then you need to reapply it after 2 hours.

For more info about skin care treatments visit our website at or call us at 415 787 2772

perfect stomach

Tips To Burn Stomach Fat Instantly

While diet and exercise can be important, people sometimes need to take special steps in order to get the results they want. If you want to burn stomach fat, you’re going to have to make sure you’re doing all you can to help with that.

One of the simplest ways to burn fat in any area is to do cardio exercises. If you do 30 minutes of cardio a day three times a week, you’ll be able to burn a great deal of fat.

However, if your main intention is to slim down your stomach, you’ll want to combine that cardio with some exercises that will work the stomach. If you burn fat and strengthen your stomach muscles, you’ll see some real results.

It’s also a smart idea for people to change their diet. A lot of foods can cause bloating. If people give up these foods, they should be able to see their stomach shrink.

Cutting down on the intake of carbohydrates, like bread and pasta, is especially important. People don’t need to give them up completely; they only need to eat less of them. When people do consume carbs, they should try to make sure they’re eating whole grains.

It’s also important for people to make sure they’re getting fluids from the right places. Sugary drinks (soda, artificial juices etc.) can cause people to form more fat in their stomach. Water and other healthy drinks, however, can help people to keep their stomach slim.

You may want to try drinking some kind of herbal tea in the morning. Green tea has been linked to a loss in stomach fat. You could also try starting your day out with lemon water.

If you follow these simple tips, you should be able to burn stomach fat and get your body into shape.

dark eye circle

Best Treatments options for festoon and eye bags

What concerns many is how persistent eye festoon bags are and if they can be treated. For those who are not willing to undergo surgery to improve the appearance, there are some conservative options including the following:

  • Acupuncture
  • Herbal remedies and Vitamin K
  • Neotensil (Spandex for the eye)
  • Dermal Fillers
  • Lipodissolve

In Chinese medicine, dysfunction of internal organs present themselves on the face. Problems around the eyes are believed to be connected to some underlying imbalance, usually involving the kidneys, adrenal glands, and the liver. Well-trained acupuncturists will take a full health history to pinpoint the culprit and then treat the acupuncture points associated with the imbalance. Doing it will improve the appearance of bags and dark circles. Holistic acupuncturists may also prescribe herbal medicine or micronutrients, such as Licorice, Angelica, Milk Thistle, or Vitamin K. They will improve the functioning of those organs, bring nutrients to the affected area, and result in improved facial representation of organ function.

Neotensil™ is a new product. It involves the application of two layers of product that works to reshape the skin and acts much like Spandex. Step 1 involves the placement of a reshaping base layer. Step 2 application of an activating layer that cross links with the base layer; resulting in shaping the skin under the eye. The improvement seen can last up to 16 hours.

Dermal Fillers can improve the appearance by “filling in” the space below the fat pad thereby blending the fat pad to the cheek curve. Results can last up to one year.

Lipodissolve is injection of a solution into the fat pad that essentially dissolves the fat pad. This should be done with extreme caution and can be associated with significant erythema (redness) and edema (swelling) for up to 10 days and may need to be repeated.


What You Don’t Know About Organic Food Items

Organic food is more popular than ever, and people are even taking the initiative to plant organic farms in their backyards. People are tired of hearing about the consequences of processed foods and artificial ingredients. You have surely heard about the many benefits of eating organically, but what do you not know about organic food items.

If you have yet to jump in and participate with the organic food movement, realize that almost 80 percent of the entire nation is already participating. Now, that doesn’t mean they buy everything organic, but they do buy organic from time to time. And then of course some of them choose to grow an organic garden as mentioned, too. One statistic in 2011 said that approximately 4.2 percent of the food sold was organic food. Now that doesn’t seem like a lot until you put a cash value to it, and that would be over 29 billion dollars. Furthermore, this was a number representative of over four years ago, and the growth of the organic food market continues to skyrocket.

You might think that organic food is always going to be grown somewhere in your own country, but it can come from other countries as well. Did you know that? You can inquire about food items to see if you can get organic food that is local, and you can always check with the local Farmer’s Markets if there is one near you.

Realize that rinsing your vegetables doesn’t take the pesticides away, so buying organic would be the right solution. It’s up to you as to how you want to handle buying your groceries, and certainly organic food can seem to cost more. That is why people are growing organic gardens or buying at farmers markets.

Seek The Best Treatments For Eye Bags And Eye Festoons

What is the difference between “eye bags” and eye festoons?

Festoons—also called malar mounds are not well understood by most people. Many who actually have festoons are unaware of the condition or what is causing it. Bags are caused by fat or fluid protruding through the skin in the lower eyelid area, while festoons, which also protrude, are primarily on the upper part of the cheek. The two together can look like one large protrusion, but they’re separate issues.
Bags often appear as puffy circles directly beneath the eye. If you touch them, they’re usually firmer, and you can’t easily move them from side to side. That’s an indication they’re bags. Also, if you look up, they become more prominent. Bags are generally associated with aging, allergies and fatigue.

Festoons, on the other hand, are high on the cheek, although they can extend to the lower lid area. They feel squishy to the touch, and they can be easily moved from side to side. They don’t become more prominent when you look up.
Festoons are usually the result of damage. Sun exposure, smoking, poor diet, drinking coffee and alcohol and aging are among the possible causes. In addition they can be due to circulatory issues and high blood pressure. The results can be worsened by the contrasting pull of underlying facial muscles over the years. Fair-skinned people tend to be more susceptible to festoons. Although those with darker skin tones are not immune.

Although festoons can be an indication of some serious medical conditions it is more likely that they are a result of lifestyle and diet. For example, festoons may expand if someone has a sensitivity to caffeinated drinks. Eye Strain caused by too much computer time or television can also increase their size. Festoons will become a pinkish color and will diminish or expand.

Treatments for festoon and eye bags:

What concerns many is how persistent festoon bags are and if they can be treated. Once they start to appear they tend to become a permanent facial feature which shrinks or expands depending on the body’s reaction to certain triggers. Skin care products can help improve fine lines, wrinkles and the look of “bags”.

For those who are not willing to undergo surgery to improve the appearance, there are some conservative options including the following.

  • Acupuncture
  • Herbal remedies and Vitamin K
  • Neotensil (Spandex for the eye)
  • Dermal Fillers
  • Lipodissolve

In Chinese medicine, dysfunction of internal organs present themselves on the face; and problems around the eyes are believed to be connected to some underlying imbalance, usually involving the kidneys, adrenal glands, and the liver. Well-trained acupuncturists will take a full health history to pinpoint the culprit and then treat the acupuncture points associated with the imbalance, and in doing so will improve the appearance of bags and dark circles. Holistic acupuncturists may also prescribe herbal medicine or micronutrients, such as Licorice, Angelica, Milk Thistle, or Vitamin K, which will improve the functioning of those organs, bring nutrients to the affected area, and result in improved facial representation of organ function.

Neotensil™ is a new product that can be used on the skin to offer temporary improvement in the appearance of “eye bags”. It involves the application of two layers of product that works to reshape the skin and acts much like Spandex does for abdominal fat. Step 1 involves the placement of a reshaping base layer. Step 2 involves the application of an activating layer that cross links with the base layer; resulting in shaping the skin under the eye, and the improvement seen can last up to 16 hours.

Dermal Fillers can improve the appearance by “filling in” the space below the fat pad thereby blending the fat pad to the cheek curve. Depending on the filler used this can last for at least one year.

Lipodissolve is injection of a solution into the fat pad that essentially dissolves the fat pad. This should be done with extreme caution and can be associated with significant erythema (redness) and edema (swelling) for up to 10 days and may need to be repeated.

Regardless, if the condition is really a Festoon, and not a bag, all of the above treatments may either not improve the bag, or actually make the appearance worse.
All depends on individual skin condition…