Archives April 2016

Try Out These Waxing Tips For Minimizing Pain

Waxing is definitely an option when it comes to hair removal, but it can be painful. In fact, most people think that waxing is going to be painful no matter what you do. However, there are ways to help minimize the pain or eliminate it entirely. Check out these solutions that you can incorporate into your waxing routine.

Some of the tips might be more up your alley than others, but you’ll find what you are looking for. First you could start small, which is always going to be at least a little helpful.

You could also use a numbing cream. This numbing cream is easy to find and can help take away the pain from waxing for hair removal. If you’re going to do your bikini line, then what you need to do is let the wax cool down a bit. Did you know that?

While you’re going to be doing small areas a little at a time and using numbing cream, you can also take an over-the-counter pain medication 30-45min before appointment. This is going to be helpful as well with reducing the amount of pain you feel.

Distractions also can be helpful, and you might also want to exfoliate prior to waxing, which is going to minimize pain as well. You’re also going to realize that shorter hair isn’t as painful being removed as longer hair, so don’t wait too long. It’s time to wax at 1/4 of an inch!

A big one is, not coming for waxing around menstrual cycle because it can be more painful.

Another one is limit caffeine intake the day of your appointment- it stimulate the nervous system and make waxing more painful.

You can also use an ice pack or soothing lotion if you want afterwards. There are even more tips and tricks you can add to your arsenal for when it’s time to wax, but the ones here should get you going.

For more info about skin care treatments visit our website at or call us at 415 787 2772

Tips On How You Can Get Rid Of Acne

Many people will at some point suffer from problem skin related to acne outbreaks, usually due to stress or hormones. Most people believe that pimples are a sign of unclean or dirty skin, but in actual fact over-cleansing typically irritates the kin further. However, hormones can be controlled and there are a number of basis changes that one can make in order to stop breakouts from occurring.


Lifestyle Changes


teenager with acne

Regular Exercise:

Exercise is related to a number of positive aspects relating to acne. One of these is the regular release of important endorphin’s that lower the stress levels and decrease the production of oil.


Prevent Touching Your Face

This is generally a lot harder than it sounds, as most people often touch their faces hundreds of times a day. In addition, it is very important not to scratch or pick at pimples. Never squeeze or pop pimples as this causes the introduction of more bacteria and will cause the acne to progress further.


Shower Often

Showering assists in keeping oil production down, rinse away dead skin build-ups and kill bacteria. It is advisable to use a type of mild or medicated cleanser and shampoos made for oily hair. It is very important to shower directly after exercising to get rid of dead cells that have sloughed off from sweating.


Eat Healthy

Food types that have been processed and contain high amounts of unhealthy fats will raise the problems related to acne. Obtaining the correct nutrients that come from protein, vegetable, fruits and whole grains assist the skin in regenerating a lot faster. Focus on: fish, flaxseed, green tea, Probiotics.  Eating fish and flaxeeds  can help tame inflammation and improve acne breakouts.

Probiotics are supplements that help increase the amount of good bacteria in your gut. Too much bad bacteria leads to inflammation = acne (caused by P. bacteria), bloating, fatigue, stress, painful joints, irritable bowel. Taking Probiotics helps to balance the unhealthy bacteria and clear up the skin.
Probiotics can be found in food such as: kefir, yogurt, sauerkraut, kimchi, fermented condiments, and beet kvass. Probiotic supplements always state the amount of CFUs the product contains. For regular every day usage, you want to be taking at least the equivalent of 10 to 20 billion CFUs per day. If you are fighting acne you may choose more at the beginning of treatment.


For more info about skin care treatments for acne visit our website at or call us at 415 787 2772




Tips for People With Dry Skin

Do you have dry skin throughout the year, or perhaps only during the colder months of the year?

Do you have oily skin on your “T-zone” while the other areas are dry, are possible even ignored as you attempt to reduce the oil production and results on your nose, forehead and chin? No matter the depth of your dry skin troubles, or how often they occur, you need to know how to treat it properly. Otherwise, you can end up with painful cracks, excessive flakiness and other repercussions associated with dry skin.

Make certain that you drink plenty of water or herbal tea each day. Do not sweeten the tea, and look for flavors that are free from caffeine. The water and tea will help to flush your system and keep your skin hydrated.

You can also increase the amount of healthy fats that you consume regularly. Avocados, nuts and many other food sources have an abundance of healthy fats in addition to that, you can eat lean cuts of meat, including salmon and trout which are high in omega-3 fatty acids.

Each day, take a vitamin E capsule. This is a powerful anti-oxidant that also provides essential lubrication and healing for your skin at the cellular level. Make certain that you purchase a natural, not synthetic, version and take as directed on the bottle.

Don’t forget to use a moisturizer daily that will reduce the discomfort associated with dry skin. If you have dry skin on your elbows or feet, exfoliate first, then use a deep creamy moisturizer. Wear socks for the first few hours to allow the rich moisturizer to settle into the skin. Avoid wearing tight socks to sleep, as it can reduce the circulation to your feet.

These tips should help you to avoid dry skin year round if used regularly!

For more info about skin care treatments for dry skin visit our website at or call us at 415 787 2772

Do you have dry skin throughout the year, or perhaps only during the colder months of the year? Do you have oily skin on your “T-zone” while the other areas are dry, are possible even ignored as you attempt to reduce the oil production and results on your nose, forehead and chin? No matter the depth of your dry skin troubles, or how often they occur, you need to know how to treat it properly. Otherwise, you can end up with painful cracks, excessive flakiness and other repercussions associated with dry skin.

Make certain that you drink plenty of water or herbal tea each day. Do not sweeten the tea, and look for flavors that are free from caffeine. The water and tea will help to flush your system and keep your skin hydrated.

You can also increase the amount of healthy fats that you consume regularly. Avocados, nuts and many other food sources have an abundance of healthy fats in addition to that, you can eat lean cuts of meat, including salmon and trout which are high in omega-3 fatty acids.

Each day, take a vitamin E capsule. This is a powerful anti-oxidant that also provides essential lubrication and healing for your skin at the cellular level. Make certain that you purchase a natural, not synthetic, version and take as directed on the bottle.

Don’t forget to use a moisturizer daily that will reduce the discomfort associated with dry skin. If you have dry skin on your elbows or feet, exfoliate first, then use a deep creamy moisturizer. Wear socks for the first few hours to allow the rich moisturizer to settle into the skin. Avoid wearing tight socks to sleep, as it can reduce the circulation to your feet.

These tips should help you to avoid dry skin year round if used regularly!

For more info about skin care treatments for dry skin visit our website at or call us at 415 787 2772

The Benefits Of Unplugging

Technology is a wonderful thing. It helps you stay in the know and keep in contact with your friends and families. However, there are many disadvantages to all of this technology. This article will teach you the numerous benefits of unplugging.

Staying connected is great; however, society as a whole is losing the ability to verbally communicate and enjoy one another’s company. Think of the last time you had dinner with your friends or family. Was everyone on their cell phones checking emails, looking at social media sites or texting? More than likely they were.
Stress impacts so many people around the world. Researchers have found that staying connected 24 hours a day is one of the main causes of stress. When you are attached to your phone, PDA or computer, you may be tempted to work continually. Unplugging allows you time to relax and enjoy life more.

So, how do you go about unplugging?

The best way is to start slowly. Begin by carving out a few hours a day to unplug. Start small. Let your friends, family and work associates know that you will be unavailable during dinnertime. Turn off your computer, silence your cellphone and enjoy eating a meal with your family. At first, it may be difficult, but with time, you will begin enjoying this quiet time. Once you have mastered the art of unplugging for dinnertime, try unplugging for an entire evening or weekend. When you unplug, you will need to find activities to keep you busy. This is the perfect time to find a new hobby. Unplugging from your electronics will help you develop a closer, more meaningful relationship with your friends and family. This, coupled with relieving stress, is reason enough to turn off those electronics. Unplug and begin enjoying life once again.

For more info about wellness tips, skin and body care treatments visit our website at or call us at 415 787 2772